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Maintaining Horse Trails - Building Friendships

 Region 2 Equestrian Trails

 Counties:Bailey, Borden, Castro, Cochran, Crosby, Dawson, Floyd, Gaines, Garza ,Hale, Hockley, Lamb ,Lubbock, Lynn, Mitchell, Parmer, Scurry Swisher, Terry, Yoakum

Pole Canyon Ranch

Briscoe and Floyd Counties

Pole Canyon Ranch
PO Box 25
Quitaque, Texas 79255
HOME: (806) 455-1446
CELL: (806) 269-1446 or (806) 269-1299
GUEST HOUSE: (806) 455-1299

From Quitaque, TX - 4 miles south on FM 1065 - west (right) on FM 689 for 4 miles - cattle guard on right with sign - 1/4 mile to parking areas. (Note: we will have an identifying sign at the cattle guard.)
Only 8 miles southwest of Quitaque, Texas, the Pole Canyon Ranch is accessible yet remote from the busy outside world. Pole Canyon Ranch is managed by Phil and Lynnette 
Barefield. The ranch was established in 1911 by Lynnette's grandfather, Jim Taylor. He and his brother rode their horses into this area in December of 1910 in search of land. The ranch is now part of the Walter Taylor Estate and encompasses about 6,000 acres of beautiful canyon lands with running water in several of the spring-fed creeks. Abundant game and beautiful scenery make each excursion a memorable adventure.

Trail Map

Directions to Pole Canyon Ranch

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